Some of the projects I’ve been professionally involved with ๐Ÿ”—

  • Respiratory Diagnostics, real time measuring, data processing, hardware protocol design, hardware prototyping, reporting and more.
  • Automatic loading and Smart Factory solutions, reaching from real time robotics and human security safeguard constraints to process automation, job scheduling and monitoring.
  • Teach Online, a greenfield, globally distributed learning platform for teaching English around the world.
  • ValutaChange, a greenfield startup project, opening up brand new markets for reward tokens and loyalty programs.
  • Paloma, a block chain protocol enabling users to distribute, administrate and execute smart contracts on numerous target chains from one single, governance backed ecosystem.

My private projects ๐Ÿ”—

  • Lipwig, my custom and totally not naming rights infringing book keeping and invoicing solution for the Swiss market. I plan to open source it in the future, under a proper name.

Games ๐Ÿ”—

  • I’ve created a bunch of game jam distributions, but I’m currently working towards resurfacing a mobile game concept which I have not seen in the wilds for the past 15 years or so. I will share more information once I get it to a presentable state.